The rest of London

I made it to the (figuratively and not) open arms of cousin Jen and her boyfriend Steve, partook of their generous and kind accommodation, then went and saw a few things Saturday morning before catching the train back and going to the FolkSoc house party.

So, I left Bethany’s , and made my way over to Jen’s place via tube and train. I was walking in a daze. It was like the majority of my energy was focused on dealing with my emotional tornado, and I didn’t have much mental power to devote to navigation or thought. I had just enough, I guess, I managed to get to the train station fine, and to Jen’s stop with only a little help. Jen met me at the train station, and led me the 40m or so to her house. It’s a wonderful, cute little place, filled with all sorts of nice odds and ends. Jen and Steve have a (is fledgling a good adjective, Jen?) t-shirt business. I saw a few of their designs hanging around, they look really nice. Jen fed me and we chatted as I was falling asleep on my feet, and then I went to sleep in the bed they’d prepared for me. Slept very deeply.

Woke up, had a breakfast of homemade granola, then we set out for a little more sightseeing. We went to Greenwich, and saw the old observatory and the prime meridian line. The grounds there are magnificent. Pictures later. Steve headed back, and Jen and I went on into the city. We went to Westminster Abbey, and while there saw my friend from here, Emily. We then continued up north to King’s Cross station, where we saw “Platform 9 and 3/4” (there’s a sign; I’m suspicious as to whether that’s where it would actually be) before Jen headed off and I got on my train. Another long ride, and then back. I got some more chips from the place I’d gotten them before, because it was just too late for dinner. Went back to my room and ate them.

Very shortly it was time to go to the party. It was great, in the flat of one of the FolkSocers, a good hefty number of musicians were fit into this fairly small living room. Lots of great music, building deeper connections with people, the whole nine yards. Basically, it was a bonus FolkSoc session this week. Yummy. Now I’m abysmally tired, though, and I’m so not getting up for my friend’s 12:30 radio show like I wanted to. But the blog continues, as does the Edinburgh adventure. Oh wow. I didn’t have many plans past today; a lot of my forward-thinking energy was devoted to last night. Well, that’ll happen. Goodnight, all.

One Reply to “The rest of London”

  1. “On and on and on it goes,
    The world it just keeps turning…”

    Folk Soc sounds like lots of fun.
    What kinds of topics/readings do you have in Environmental Philosophy? Have you touched on “Ecosophy” and the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess?

    Love, Mombets

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