I’m tired or exhausted a lot. I think it’s because my sleep schedule is irregular due to the attitude of spontaneity under which I travel. Also, I don’t get enough exercise and my diet is occasionally off-kilter. Regardless, I frequently don’t feel like doing something adventurous.
Today I did anyway. I went with a good friend of mine to meet another friend in Center City. She helped us practice slacklining a little, then we played some music. I picked up tunes pretty well, though I haven’t picked up my pennywhistle in years. Then we got lunch and walked over to City Hall, where we played more music and made a total of twenty-five dollars! It was well worth it.
So I am reminded that one of the best ways to get energy is to do things, and when I don’t have energy, I shouldn’t let that keep me from having adventures. As long as I can keep my eyes open, they’re probably going to be worth the effort.