My life is so boring. But that’s not a bad thing. Just uninteresting for you guys to read about. So little’s happened that I don’t even need to link to the full post. Here:
I got free bread from the ISC, and have been making PB & J. I also got horseradish sauce, which is bitter and tasty. It’s the Greenough in me (family reference). But today I found mold on all the remaining full loaf of bread. Oh well. It was free.
The other night I watched Monty Python’s the Meaning of Life with Jon, Emily, and Lauren of “Team America”. It was good (I’d seen it before).
I’ve been making for two more loads of couchsurfers to stay here. One couple from Spain and Lithuania, living in Galway, guy’s a juggler, are coming tomorrow night and staying four nights! It’ll be an experience. Then another, American twosome is staying one night next Wednesday.
I’ve been staying in pretty close touch with some friends from home. I miss them. I’ve been following the Housefellow selection, and several of my friends got appointed. Also several of my friends got selected to be Student Advisors next year. I’m excited for them. I also miss them. Did I say that?
I’ve been reading my book (Magician, first book of the Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Fiest) pretty voraciously, and playing a load of my current computer game, Jedi Knight, and generally bumming around on the internet.
On Tuesday night, I saw Paradise Now, a Palestinian movie about two young men who become semi-reluctant suicide bombers. I then went to FolkSoc, where it was Pancake Day and I got super sugar-high. Met a friend of a friend there, he’s nice. While leaving, I saw and met the people in Drumming Society, and will surely try to make it there on Mondays.
And last but not least: MY PHOTOS ARE UP!!!! May you enjoy them. They go in reverse chronological order, so if you want to see them all in order, might want to start at the end.