In my job as Executive Director of the Amherst Business Improvement District, I have had the pleasure to work with a number of exceptional individuals. I thought I would take a few blog posts and shower some of them with compliments. In December, Dave Ziomek was promoted from Director of Conservation & Development for the Town of Amherst to the title of Assistant Town Manager. The honor and responsibility are well-deserved.
Dave has worked for the Town since 2004. Like me, he’s pursued a public career in Amherst in an environment where our fathers started with wider name recognition (mine, Nick Grabbe, long-time Gazette reporter; his, Stan Ziomek, founder of Amherst youth baseball and long-time DPW superintendent). But it’s not being an Amherst native that makes Dave wonderful. It’s is hard-working clearness of mind, his soft-spoken kindness, his sharpness and thoughtfulness. In meetings, he always says smart things, and makes those of us who say less smart things still feel good about ourselves. He is an excellent public servant, and I hope Amherst is blessed with his presence for years to come.