Oh Bernie.

The big news story for the day is of course Bernie Madoff’s trial. I think the anger and vitriol directed at him by his victims is somewhat grotesque. They’re perfectly justified in being upset, of course he deserves the punishment he’s going to get, but the victims should really direct their ire at themselves. It is just plain stupid investing to neglect diversification, no matter how seemingly secure and lucrative. And really, these people made millions of dollars somehow. You would think they would know what to do with it. While it’s sure to be a controversial assertion, I would even suggest that perhaps the victims even deserved to lose their money.

Madoff deserves to go to jail. He blatantly and knowingly stole millions of dollars. But the fact that he acknowledged his crime during testimony today, acknowledged his wrongdoing and laid the truth bare before the agents of justice, that made me respect him a little bit more. He expressed remorse, in what seemed to me to be quite honest language. He gave the reason for his monster Ponzi scheme as a driving desire to meet the expectations of his investors. Is that not something we can all understand? A desire to meet the expectations of those who put trust in us? I feel slightly sorry for him. And yet he deserves the punishment he will get, there is no question.

I don’t really have a point, except that we should avoid thoughtlessly assimillating the victims’ anger, and exercise compassion for all parties involved. Criminals are people too.

Race to the Bottom: Conservative Republicans vs. Conservative Democrats

I’m sure that I’m not alone among progressives in wringing my hands over the seemingly unshakable power of conservatives in the Senate to block progress. Republicans have been and continue to be pummeled into the ground by public opinion; surely we should be able to get good legislation passed. Yet Democratic gains never seem to be enough; we’re always just a few votes short.

The problem, of course, is those members of the Senate Democratic caucus who are themselves conservative, or “centrist” or “moderate”. I like Markos’ take on this issue:

All this desire for everyone to agree is creepy, and more indicative of the Broderites who want everyone to agree with them, rather than any desire for real consensus that might exclude their own ideas.

I feel like idealogically middle-of-the-road Senators like Pryor, Nelson, and Lincoln simply perceive that they’ll have more power disagreeing with progressives and the President than if they were more amenable to good legislation. The talk about a Senate Blue Dog coalition is just more demonstrative for these senators’ passion for power.

I think a multi-party system, necessitating coalition governments, would be a better form of democracy than the two-party system we currently have. The formation of oppositional groups within the same party is a similar step, but still. It’s nice believing that the majority of members of congress are on your side. Being reminded that large chunks of your party disagree with you for largely overcautious and political reasons is no fun.

White House blog

I’ve been meaning for a while to write a post about how impressive the new White House blog is. Their RSS feed is stylish, their content is neither too long or too short, their tone is very appropriate to the blog medium, and they even post about 6 times every day.

However, their liveblog today of the President’s trip to Canada was an absolute disgrace to the best practices they’ve been demonstrating. It reappeared on my RSS reader every time they made an update, and the updates were widely spaced out. It was just plain annoying. I hope they don’t continue the “live”blogging any more. I have faith. Their jump from inception to sterling blogging practices was nearly instantaneous, leading me to believe the White House bloggers have no problem with a steep learning curve.

While we’re on the subject of blog quality, I am sorely disappointed in Progressive Future’s blog. Progressive Future is the partisan offshoot of U.S. PIRG, which sounds great. Their blog is presented horrifically. The text is all in a block when it reaches my RSS reader, the articles are too long and in too large chunks, they post extremely infrequently, and the blog title comes in all in capital letters. I wish it were better. Maybe when I’m done with this segment of my life I’ll offer my services to whip them into shape if they haven’t been already.

Coal and Politics

Update: now cross-posted at It’s Getting Hot in Here.

At Grist Magazine, they like to refer to coal as the Enemy of the Human Race. And, while that’s a bit of a rhetorical flourish, it’s true that coal is unavoidably one of the dirtiest ways possible to produce energy. If you’re interested in finding out more about the entire process of using coal for energy, I encourage you to read Big Coal, by Jeff Goodell.

But what I want to write about today is inspired by a Huffington Post article by Jesse Jenkins, of The Breakthrough Institute and It’s Getting Hot in Here. I’m generally pretty skeptical of Shellenberger & Nordhaus’ thinktank, but I met Jesse at Powershift, and this article is pretty good. Its overall message is the same as everything out of their thinktank; in order to be successful, environmental messages need to be framed around things that people care about more, like jobs and the economy. Specifically, the article runs down what it dubs the “Technology Fifteen”, i.e. fifteen “moderate” senators from the interior of the country who have banded together to have a voice on climate issues.

So, I thought I’d look a little further into specifically the geography of coal as it relates to politics. I put up a Google Docs spreadsheet with my data. All my data’s from the Energy Information Administration, the government office whose job it is to make public this sort of stuff.

Essentially, I ranked all the states by 1. Percentage of energy supply that comes from coal, 2. Number of people in the state employed by the coal industry, and 3. Coal production. Theoretically, members of congress from these states would be less inclined to support legislation aimed to breaking America’s coal addiction. This metric is likely even a more significant factor than their ideology. Anyways, here is the list of states:

  1. West Virginia
  2. Wyoming
  3. Kentucky
  4. Pennsylvania
  5. Virginia
  6. Illinois
  7. Texas
  8. Indiana
  9. North Dakota
  10. Montana
  11. Utah
  12. Colorado
  13. Alabama
  14. New Mexico
  15. Ohio

So which senators represent these states who might be of interest? Well, a few of the states are represented by very conservative senators, and we can be pretty sure how they’ll vote on energy legislation already. Some others have a League of Conservation score of 100% for 2008, so we can be fairly sure that they will vote well. And what do you know, taking out those two bunches leaves us with just fifteen senators. Here they are, starting with those from the coal-iest state, West Virginia:

  1. Byrd (D)
  2. Rockefeller (D)
  3. Dorgan (D)
  4. Conrad (D)
  5. Specter (R)
  6. Webb (D)
  7. Warner (D)
  8. Burris (D)
  9. Lugar (R)
  10. Bayh (D)
  11. Udall (D)
  12. Bennet (D)
  13. Udall (D)
  14. Voinovich (R)
  15. Brown (D)

Burris and Bennet have not heald a seat in congress before, so LCV has no rankings for them. Otherwise, these senators are ranked by coal-iness and then by LCV ranking.

So what does this mean? Well, Obama and Senate Democrats are looking for moderate Republicans to vote with them in order to break filibusters. Voinovich, Lugar, and Specter are identified by Nate Silver as in the top five prospects for this, along with the two Maine senators. I would suggest that the three of them might be less likely to flip on anti-coal legislation than they might be otherwise.

On the other side, Nate recognizes Dorgan, Conrad, Baucus, Tester, Byrd, and Webb as potential problems for Obama, but not as big problems as four conservative Democrats from non-coal states.

So, we’ll see. Keep an eye on these senators when energy bills come to the senate.

Work Shell-Shock and frustration

Today we got the surprising news from my boss that he’s leaving for another job in about two months. This sucks. Not only is he the most encouraging, grateful, humorous, relaxed, level-headed boss I could hope for, he’s also taken the station to new heights in development. We busted through past records during our October drive, and have generally (word is) emerged from the dark ages into an efficient, productive department, capable of sufficiently supporting the wonderful service we offer to western New England. I have seen this a little bit in the short three months I’ve been here, and Jerry was around for almost two years before that as well. I’m happy his talent is being given its financial due by the foundation he’s going to, but I will miss him greatly.

Also at work today, I tried chopping out a CSS dropdown menu that would work in IE 6 & 7 as well as Firefox. I haven’t even looked at Safari compatibility yet, but that’s only about 7% of our visitors, so it’s a lower priority. Anyways, Internet Explorer sucks. They’ve got their own rules for how to display things, which means web developers have to dance around, applying multiple frameworks to our web design. Total bummer. I eventually felt a little productive after digging a little into the fundamentals of how the different browsers apply CSS differently. We’ll see if I can build something up from scratch tomorrow.

Conventional Wisdom and Obama

Inspired by this post by Paul Krugman about the economic platitudes in Obama’s inaugural address, I had a thought about conventional wisdom.

Krugman suggests that waiting for conventional wisdom (it’s assumed by wonky types that that refers specifically to the DC political establishment & the media) to arrive at the truth is a recipe for ineffective government. I agree. Instead, what should be done is to mold the conventional wisdom toward where one wants it to be. I think the political right has been working toward this goal for years now, training young conservatives to be “pundits”, appearing on talk shows all over the media spectrum in order to forward their worldview more than anyone else, and thus have the largest influence on conventional wisdom.

I think the Obama administration can counter this by utilizing the ideal of transparency to send lots of White House spokespeople out to make efforts. The problem with that, though, is the seeming independence of conservative pundits, compared to the obvious and unavoidable spokesmanship of the White House representatives. Hmm.

Regardless, the main point still stands. Obama cannot hope to succeed in his grand necessities while following conventional wisdom. He must lead the conventional wisdom.

Barack Obama’s inauguration

Barack Obama’s inauguration as our next president is a cause for great celebration. Three decades of conservative dominance, not to mention eight years of corruption and abuse of power, have finally been voted out by the American people. Our first black president will be the most popular president to enter office in the history of our country.

But, as Obama reminds us, there is a vast amount of work to do, an enormous weight of problems to solve. He will get panicked advice from all quarters about economic, energy, and foreign policy issues. Even though I believe Obama himself is a genuinely pragmatic progressive, we have to raise our own voices to make sure that the most repeated, loudest advice he receives points him toward effective, progressive solutions to our country’s problems, rather than the same overcautious corporate payoffs the political establishment is so fond of.

This is no time for relinquishing our political agency. Tuesday, January 20th is a day for celebration. Wednesday, January 21st, is the beginning of a new era, one in which we must help our beloved new president guide this teetering country toward stability. In the words of Barack Obama himself: we know the battle ahead will be long, but remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change.

What a week.

I’m listening to the Inauguration “We Are One” concert on the NPR website. Tears have come to my eyes several times, including during the singing of the national anthem. There are lots of actors speaking words, and I recognize their voices: Denzel Washington, Laura Linney, Steve Carrell, Tom Hanks.

The contradances the past two nights were spectacular. Tonight (Swallowtail) will hopefully be just as wonderful. The best moment last night was during the last dance, the band was playing fantastic music through the whole dance, then they broke into Brenda Stubberts’ for the end of it. One of the best sets of music I’ve ever danced to.

Lost starts again on Wednesday. I’m somewhat excited about that.

Hope you all are having as good a week as I am.

Snarky Commentary on the News: 1-15-09

  1. Apparently a plane crashed in New York Harbour. I mean, I know it’s evocative of September 11th, but c’mon. It wasn’t even that slow a news day! Glad everyone’s safe, but really, it’s not that big a deal. And why is no one lamenting the lives of the geese that the plain thoughtlessly ran into? Heartless anthropocentrists. Also, who’s reminded of Sean Connery in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?
  2. Israel bombed UN headquarters in Gaza. I’m sure that’s going to make their citizens safer. They also killed the Minister of the Interior of the Hamas government today. I suppose that’s good, because at least it provides lower-level Hamas members with more room for career advancement than many American workers have.
  3. It’s marginally perplexing to me that Natalie Dylan‘s breasts look enormous in one picture, and teensy in another. Also, I think it’s a double-testament to our country’s ridiculous and sickening attitude toward sex, that A) having sex with a virgin is so appealing that people offer millions of dollars for her, and B) someone so (purportedly) sexually inexperienced is interested in selling her body in such a way. I mean, she’s the same age as me, and it’s clearly lucrative for her, but seriously; it just smells rather self-exploitative to me.
  4. Eric Holder believes that “waterboarding is torture“. Um…duh? The fact that this is so obvious reminds me how disgusting our country is for letting people get away with crimes against humanity.
  5. Does Sarah Palin remind anyone else of Cruella de Vil?

That is all.