Want to spread the word about global warming by giving Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth slideshow/lecture? Here’s how.
Y’know what?
So, I’ve been posting the links to the weekly installments of WorldChanging and Green Car Congress’ “This Week in Sustainable Mobility“. I think I’m going to come out and make it official: every week I will post the link to WorldChanging, so those of you who don’t read it there anyway can go find it.
So, living in a fairly bike-friendly non-city, I can get around fine by bike, myself, but I do understand how daunting the task of bicycle commuting can be when there are SO many more cars and things just aren’t very safe. That’s why the idea of byCycle.org is really cool. While the site currently isn’t very expansive, its concept is to provide maps (a la mapquest et al) of routes that are safe for bikers. Hopefully the project will develop to a point where it covers every city in the U.S….maybe the world!
Wind Research
These are the people who are making sure that wind turbines don’t fall apart from all the constant stress they go through. Interesting article, with a good anti-NIMBY quote at the end:
“I think they look great compared to smoke stacks. These big turbines rotate slowly. They remind me of sail boats,” Mandell said. “They are relatively quiet; they just turn in the wind and keep the lights on. I wouldn’t mind if they were put on the hills behind my house.”
Concentrated Solar
The concept of the satellite dish is cool, I think. Concentrating the waves over this relatively wide area onto a very small area. Now people are doing the same with solar. I don’t really understand how this has SO much more potential than just collecting the solar rays from the individual panels (because the amount of solar energy shining on the dish isn’t any different), but I still think the concept is cool.
Car-free places
There’s a great list on Wikipedia of car-free places around the world. Via MetaEfficient’s Goto Reviews.
Home Energy Saver
Figure out how your house shapes up to others in your area in terms of energy use, and what you can do to make it better, with Home Energy Saver from the Department of Energy. The first step to a smaller footprint is awareness. Via Lifehacker.
Cato Institute says we should focus on climate
The Cato Institute, the prominent conservative thinktank, has released a paper entitled “A False Sense of Insecurity” (PDF). The gist of the paper is that terrorism is not as large a threat to the individual American as is climate change. And this is a conservative thinktank! Dare I be hopeful?
Miss Rockaway Armada
WorldChanging has a great post about these people floating down the Mississippi River on uber-green rafts teaching people about environmentalism. Think Johnny Depp in Chocolat, mixed with Jehovah’s Witnesses, mixed with all the environmental information you’ve come to know and love. They’re called the Miss Rockaway Armada.
The Week in Sustainable Mobility
Yet another weekly summary of sustainable transportation from WorldChanging and Green Car Congress.